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Meet The Team: the Series


Welcome to Meet The Team! What is your name and how long have you worked for Arema Connect?

My name is Chris Dilworth and I have been with Arema Connect for 7 years.


What is your official role title?

Customer Service Representative/Account Manager.


What does your day-to-day role entail?

Answering inbound calls & emails, communicating with clients on any issues arising and resolving them and updating agents on any changes within the accounts I look after.


What is something that Arema Connect does that differs from other companies in the same field?

Hands-on approach with each client which creates safeness and security for the clients.


How would you describe the company culture at Arema Connect?

Vibrant, fun and never a dull moment.


What are some of the essential skills for someone working with Arema Connect to have?

Good work ethic, ability to work with others, adaptability and embracing new challenges.


What has been your most memorable moment while working with Arema Connect?

There have been quite a few but it has to be the awards night at the Aviva Stadium in 2022 where we had an absolute ball and took away an award on the night.


What challenges have you faced?

Learning to challenge myself in new roles and taking on new responsibilities.


What advice would you give to someone who would like a career like yours?

Never say no to a new challenge and always bet on yourself.


What motivates you in the morning? Do you have to have a cup of coffee, listen to a podcast etc

A cup of tea sets me up for the morning/day, arriving to work that bit early so I’m prepared for the days challenge ahead.


Do you have a favourite podcast/playlist that you listen to?

I would listen to any type of music so my playlists can be fairly random.


Top 3 favourite movies of all time . . . GO!

I love a good underdog sports story like Coach Carter, Air, Hustle etc. Prisoners is one of my favourite thrillers.


Favourite spot in Cork to visit?

Voodoo Rooms 🙂 Owenahincha/Inchdoney anywhere that has a beach really!!


Lastly, favourite quote to live by?

“You only have one life, so you might as well live it” – Extended version of “YOLO”!!