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At Arema Connect we have recently implemented a new Time Management System (TMS). This system is a streamlined method of recording employee rostering, absenteeism, available annual leave and annual leave requests.


Our newly introduced TMS is utilised to streamline the experience for our employees and provide greater efficiency and visibility for rostering and holidays. TMS is beneficial for many stakeholders including employees, management and clients alike.


Our aim from the get-go was to provide a seamless transition to using TMS across the organisation. As we were aware such a big change can often be stressful for teams. At Arema we implemented the system on a phased basis to ensure our team would be 100% familiar and comfortable with this new way of working.


Introducing our Time Management System (TMS) has created endless benefits for all stakeholders of Arema Connect. Some of these benefits include – 

  • Streamline time spent on time-consuming tasks – Our rostering system has also been implemented into TMS, reducing the necessity of the creation of manual rosters and freeing up our Human Resources team and Team Leaders to focus on other operations. In addition, there is an integrated function that allows employees to request holidays and check their holiday entitlements through the application. Employees can also view their historic holiday usage and clock-in/out reports. 

  • Effective scheduling  – The effectiveness of TMS for managing staff has meant that we are able to provide the highest level of service for our clients through the development of shift patterns and rolling rosters. By analysing historical reporting data we were able to identify peak hours and days for higher transactions levels experienced by clients and create shift patterns based on this. This ensures that we have sufficient resources in place at busier periods and less at quieter times and in turn, this provides a more cost-effective solution to our clients.

  • Enhanced performance reporting –  TMS has greatly supported more comprehensive employee performance reporting across all teams. All employees are required to log in and out each day. As a result, our management have access to data and reports on – 
    • hours worked;
    • lateness;
    • sickness;
    • overtime worked. 

This enables management to reward high achievers and has more transparency on any other patterns developing for employees. With each team managing clocking in/out and placing their own requests, this reduced the number of tasks associated with calculating payroll and in turn relieves our Finance and HR department to focus on other core operations. 


  • A document storage solution – Each employee has their own profile on the system which includes their personal information and emergency contacts. In addition to this, TMS has several features for storing other data including training records, medical certificates and a facility to upload any other documentation associated with the employee. The need to create hardcopy documents and storage solutions across the organisation has massively decreased. When we began our ISO 14001 journey back in 2020 for Environmental Management, one of our core objectives was to reduce paper usage across the organisation. The introduction of TMS has greatly supported this intuition.

  • Enhanced General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for employees – Adding to the advantages above, TMS also provides the benefit of enhanced GDPR compliance and data assurance, through the use of state-of-the-art password security and data encryption, as well as all employee data being backed up in case of any system failure.


Over the last number of months, we have reaped many rewards from introducing the system. Our management team and employees have made implementing the system extremely straightforward. We plan to continue taking steps to improve the employee experience throughout 2022 and beyond.