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This month we were delighted to be recertified with the ISO 27001:2013 for Information Security Management and the ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management. These certifications show our commitment to both Quality and Information Security throughout our organisation. 

ISO 27001:2013 

We first received our ISO 27001 certification in October 2019. The standard provides an international methodology for the implementation and management of information security within our organisation. In addition, the certification gives our customers reassurance in relation to the security of our systems and processes. Over the last 12 months we have continued to enhance and improve our Information Security Management System including – the introduction of a cloud based omnichannel CRM ‘Crust’ which greatly supports our team’s ability to work remotely. We have also introduced new ways for our frontline line team to give feedback on ways to improve the processes we have in place.  

ISO 9001:2015 

We have been certified with the ISO 9001 since 2010. We place a huge emphasis on delivering the highest quality service to our clients and their customers. Quality Monitoring and client feedback play a pivotal role in our Quality Management System. Our management team continuously strives to improve our service offering for our clients through our Lean Initiative and training programmes, which further enhances our service delivery for our clients. 

‘ As an outsourcing provider, a high quality service is of the utmost importance. We are always aiming to meet and surpass our clients’ expectations. We have put several measures in place including quality monitoring and auditing to ensure we are meeting the goals we have set each year. Being recertified with the ISO 9001 is further reassurance that we are continuously improving our Quality Management System’Jackie Leahy, Lean and Quality Coordinator 


In October we were certified for the first time with the ISO 14001:2015 for Environmental Management. Over the next 12 months we are looking forward to setting new objectives and finding new ways to improve all of our three systems. We would like to thank all of our management team for their hard work in supporting us to achieve certifications for all 3 standards.