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At Arema Connect we are dedicated to our people and employee engagement. We strive to provide our employees with a positive and supportive working culture where positive mental health behaviors are encouraged. At the beginning of 2019, we introduced an employee wellness programme for the Arema Connect Team. This programme initiates the conversation of health and well being within our workplace. It allows our employees to unwind and discuss some of the obstacles that they may be experiencing in their role. 


Aim/goal of our Employee Wellness Programme:


  1. To stimulate conversations of mental health and well-being within our employees.
  2. To educate employees on physical and emotional well-being.
  3. To create a better work-life balance, to de-stress and detach from work challenges.


We believe promoting and supporting employees well-being is at the core of our principles. An effective wellness programme can deliver mutual benefits to people, organisations and economies. Our wellness coach Noella Carroll (trading as Pinnaklo Ltd) works with our team on a continuous basis. These sessions offer our team the opportunity to switch off from their daily customer service role and gives them the opportunity to share how their work is affecting their well-being.


Pinnaklo was formed to support small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) with Financial Matters, enabling them to execute on their strategic plans. One of the programmes Pinnaklo offers is Wellness Works Here, an initiative designed to provide Wellness Support in the work environment. Promoting and supporting employee well-being is at the core of what Pinnaklo do.




Although remote work has now become a necessity due to Covid-19 we ensured that our Wellness programme would not be interrupted. This programme is more important than ever! Each week our employees are given the opportunity to participate in a virtual wellness session via ‘Zoom’. They have the option to engage in a one to one session or a group session, whichever they prefer. This initiative is to help employees deal with the stresses of this unusual time. Noella is delivering techniques on how to separate home and work life as they are now more entwined in the home environment. 



We are all victims of altered connections to others during this pandemic. Whether you are flourishing in our new environment or withering, the reality is that our mental and physical wellness requires a little (or a lot) more attention during this time. Promoting employees’ well-being is paramount to preventing stress and driving positive working environments where individuals and organisations can thrive. Positive health and well-being are at the heart of both employee engagement and organisational performance.