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On the 25th of February, our team will be heading to the Green Awards ceremony in the Clayton Hotel, Dublin. We are delighted to be shortlisted in the category of Green Medium Sized Organisation of the Year. The Green Awards recognise the contribution and commitment that companies make towards growing a greener future. At Arema Connect, we acknowledge our responsibility to care for and protect the environment in which we operate. We strive to continually improve our environmental performance by the implementation of green initiatives through our network of employees, suppliers, clients and the wider community. 

The Green Awards has recognised our efforts made to date in supporting the environment and fighting climate change. Under the motto ‘Think global, act local’, we have implemented a number of initiatives related to recycling, reusing and reducing waste, and educating our team on energy and water usage.


Our Green Initiatives 


Arema Connect's Green Initiatives


  • Recycling, re-using and waste minimisation: Arema Connect recycles in line with European Waste Hierarchy. 
    • Our offices have paper recycling bins for non-confidential paper and our printer cartridges are also recycled.
    • We have a ‘print on both sides of the paper policy’ which reduces paper consumption by 50%. 
    • We have compost bins to ensure that waste from the canteen is disposed of properly. 


  • Use of “green” suppliers & materials: Our criteria for selecting a supplier places a huge emphasis on their commitment to supporting the environment. This ensures that we partner with “green suppliers”. Consequently, we are using recycled paper and electricity provided from natural sources. Our frontline team uses small whiteboards or the notepad application on the PC to take notes. We have moved away from our traditional approach of paper note-taking. 


  • Energy and water efficiency: Our management team reviews our energy usage on a quarterly basis to ensure it is kept to a minimum where possible. In addition, each night a staff member will check all computers that are not in use for the night shift are turned off. 


  • Minimising co2 emissions: Our offices are located in Cork city and we are just 20 minutes’ walking distance from the city centre. We encourage our employees that live close by to use bicycles or walk under our wellness initiatives. For employees that live further, Arema Connect offers a carpooling program that identifies employees who live close to each other to travel to work together and share fuel costs.  


  • Training & engagement: As part of our environmental efforts we facilitate ongoing upskilling activities. Recently, some of our team attended the workshop ‘How to make your business more sustainable – one degree at a time’ by Change by Degrees at the Cork Chamber. This course presented practical changes to be more sustainable and actions to implement in our business.


  • “Go green suggestions box”: This employee suggestion box gives our team the opportunity to make suggestions regarding our green initiatives. 


“Our green initiatives play a pivotal role in our employee engagement strategy. In 2020 we are looking forward to introducing more green initiatives to further ensure that we fulfil our corporate social responsibility regarding environmental matters.” – Sarah Foley, Client Relationship Manager

We would like to wish all award nominees the very best of luck, it’s sure to be a great night!