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Great News For Arema Connect and our customers. We were awarded the ISO 27001 certification in October 2019. The management team in Arema Connect has spent the last 6 months preparing for the IS0 27001:2013 certification and it demonstrates our commitment to security & ensures our systems are robust and audited to a high standard. 




The ISO 27001 standard provides an international methodology for the implementation and management of information security within an organisation. This certification provides our customers with reassurance in relation to the security of our systems and processes, more benefits include:

  • Increased customer trust and confidence in relation to information security. 
  • Greater alignment with customers’ needs. 
  • Increased security and reliability of both systems and information. 

The benefits for Arema Connect include:

  • Improved strategies and processes in relation to information security across the organisation. 
  • The ability to win new business in more regulated markets and sectors.  
  • Greater compliance with our legal and commercial responsibilities. 



We have been ISO 9001:2015 certified since 2011 for Quality Management and the ISO 27001:2013 was chosen as it was an accreditation to complement our growth strategy. 

A HUGE thanks to Nuala Keogh, Katherine Sutton and Sarah Foley for all their hard work put into receiving this certification. A true reflection that hard work does pay off!