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Recruitment and Training are the bread and butter of your Human Resources Team. Their expertise in recruiting the right people will make your organisation thrive. Additionally, their ability to train them to the highest standard to overall improve your company growth. However, their resources can be sometimes put to a limit. It is beneficial in both short and long-term the identification of high work volumes and the design of coping strategies. Far away from being a recruitment agency, our team can support your Human Resources Team on those moments. Every now and then, we are contacted by the top HR teams to support them with large recruitment campaigns or to support their employees’ engagement strategies. Example of services provided to different Human Resources team include:

Support for Online Recruitment Portals

Over the years, multiple Human Resources teams have been benefiting from the use of online recruitment portals to:

  • post new job vacancies,
  • collect CVs
  • and overall manage their recruitment process.

While these tools are extremely valuable as they increase speed and reduce administrative headaches, they can also pose a number of challenges for users and staff members alike. IT departments focus on solving technical issues and ensure that systems are running smoothly. However, their responsibilities don’t usually include customer support. Here is where Human resources teams benefit from our expertise. We provide customer support for online recruitment portals where users may struggle with the registration process, uploading CVs, resetting passwords or if people are just looking for updates on existing recruitment campaigns. We can behave as Tier 1 and Tier 2 customer support depending on your requirements. We can be the bridge the gap between your IT department and your Human Resources team.

Social Media Support for Recruitment Campaigns

Similar to online recruitment portals, requirements for social media recruitment campaigns are on the rise. Human Resources teams are more and more proactive engaging with potential candidates in social media platforms including LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. While the identification of the right candidate is an art; and therefore, we don’t claim to be experts in this area. A number of activities are time-consuming and can be delegated to administrative/contact centre teams. For instance, if you are allowing your candidates to upload their CVs using a Facebook job post, you can consider to outsource the follow-up communication, download CVs and data input.

Case Study: Social Media Monitoring Customer Support


Candidates and Applicants Support for Large Recruitment Campaigns

The coordination of candidates and applicants during large recruitment campaigns can require additional support for a short period of time. Human Resource managers can face multiple challenges while trying to navigate between multiple time-consuming tasks that need to be completed with tight deadlines. Therefore, a number of activities can be outsourced without losing control of the campaign and for a fraction of the cost. Their simplicity makes them ideal activities for contact centre staff. These can include:

  • outbound calls,
  • appointment making for interviews,
  • reference checks,
  • send text/emails with campaigns updates,
  • manage incoming emails,
  • or just inform successful and unsuccessful candidates.

Case Study: Recruitment Support for Large Campaign

Reference Checks

In large recruitment campaigns, Human Resources team may struggle to objectively call all references provided by applicants.

Let’s imagine a Christmas recruitment campaign…

Your organisation is recruiting over 100 candidates. This can quickly translate to over 200 outbound reference check calls to be made. If each of them takes an average of 4 minutes between asking relevant questions and properly recording the results… 4 minutes multiply by 200 calls equals over 13 hours of work. Now add all these repeat calls to be made, as you may not get through the relevant person or they are too busy at that specific moment… You can spend easily a full week chasing up referees!

Small and medium recruitment agencies avail of our outbound experience by outsourcing this process to us. It provides them with an economical and fast-paced approach to screen more candidates and offers their clients better results in long-term as the right candidates are hired.

Reference Checks: Human Resources Case Study


Lone workers support and Employees’ Support line

While recruitment is a key element for any Human Resources team, this is not the unique area supported by contact centres. Multiple organisations require support for employees working remotely or outside an office. For instance, home care providers have the largest number of their staff members (e.g. nurses) working on their clients’ homes. This usually translates in the requirement of a 24 by 7 support for employees as they may need to report any incident, sickness or delay in arriving at their scheduled appointments.

Employees’ support lines can also shape in different forms, but in their essence are all the same. Employees may need to report or request information about the company or clients. And while it may not be economically feasible to have someone 24 by 7 waiting for the phone to ring, it is a facility that multiple human resources teams must provide.

Case Study: Employees’ Support Line


Employee Satisfaction Survey

Employee Satisfaction Surveys are a cost-effective approach to collate feedback from your employees. Information collected will support your Human resources team in the design of a suitable strategy to boost employee morale and decrease recruitment needs.

5 steps to conduct an Employee Satisfaction Survey

These are few of the many services that a contact centre can provide to any Human Resources team. As each organisation is unique, it is worthy to request a call back to evaluate options and services that best meet your requirements. Send us an e-mail and we will help you to identify the best solution possible.