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The customers’ experience

Customers’ experience is ever growing and changing. In order to increase brand loyalty and drive sales, it is vital to understand your customers’ experience from start to finish. In order to do this, you must look at the bigger picture. In an idealistic world, the end goal is that they will purchase your product or service. However, this may not always be the case. If a customer fails to purchase your product or service it may not always reflect on their experience with your brand. Let’s take a look back at the traditional customer experience and how it has evolved to where it is today.

Traditional customer experience

The traditional customer experience needs to be scrapped. While some may argue that if it is not broke then don’t fix it, in this particular instance that is not the case. Previously, the customers’ experience was more predictable and easily controlled. It ran in a straight line with a beginning, middle and an end. Nowadays, customers put a greater emphasis on their overall experience with your brand. The traditional customer brought a product or service to fulfil a need or want. Today, customers look for a unique experience when engaging with your brand. While the traditional customer experience was and is easier to monitor, it left customers wanting more.


Today’s customer experience

Today organisations need to combine both the digital and physical worlds in order for survival and to remain competitive within their given market. There are many ways for your customers to interact with your brand pre, during and post purchase. 2018 is looking at more customer-led experience. That is to say, that providing your customers with multiple channels for interaction while allowing them to map their own customer journey. Overall, this will benefit your business by customers getting their desired individual experience. More and more customers are experiencing brands through platforms that entail less human face to face interactions. In turn, this is leading to more customers experiencing your brand through Social Media Platforms, Apps and Websites. These platforms ease the buying experience for the modern day consumer, overall greatly contributing to their experience. The modern-day customer wants help in making more informed decisions while experiencing your brand.

The future of customers’ experience

Going forward, we can expect huge advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) stemming from the established practice of marketing relationship management, such as: Campaigns, Loyalty building, Email and SMS marketing. The advancements can be of benefit with several aspects enhancing the ever chaining marketplace, for both retailers and customers.


Organisations are adopting the view of manifesting a coherent picture of their customers. Everything the customer does, from past purchasing behaviours, interactions, to the idea of what they may do next can be determined by some of the most contemporary practices yet. In response, an intelligent 360° dynamic viewpoints are being created. These give predicted insight into your shoppers’ activities.


Your digital presence, from online sites, social networks and apps had the hidden potential to predicts the value your customers are to you. Their dialectal presence can be utilised further by pushing out surveys, for example. This allows for a better understanding and determining what is important to them.


Your business is your lifeline, and so are your Customers. Capturing them is one thing, but it’s vital not to lose them also. They can quickly leave for competitors. While AI has the capabilities for predicting trends, it is vital to Marketing and Sales activities are carried aligned with these trends.

How can we support your efforts to provide your customers with a modern experience?

We can complement and further support all of the necessary activities to enhance your customers’ experience. We offer many clients across several sectors, with the ability to provide their customers with either an Omnichannel or Multi-channel approach to retailing. Additionally, we provide for a modern approach to delivering customer Experience.