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Customer-centric organizations measure customer satisfaction in order to improve service delivered and team performance. Arema Connect has been providing customer satisfaction surveying services for over 10 years. From our experience, we describe in this blog ‘How can you measure customer satisfaction?’.


1. Planning Stage: Who are your customers?

Planning is a key stage for any market research campaign. A proper assessment of the project’s aim and objectives help to allocate a suitable budget and required resources. At least you should answer the following five key questions before you measure customer satisfaction:

  1. Who do you want to survey?
  2. What do you want to measure?
  3. How are you planning to distribute the survey?
  4. How are you planning to analyse the data?
  5. How are you thinking to use customer satisfaction surveys feedback collected to greatest effect?

Check our previous blog: How to Conduct Customer Satisfaction Surveys?

How to Conduct Customer Satisfaction Surveys?


2. Developing the right tool: Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Once you have properly defined your objectives and research parameters, your team will have to design the right tool to collect the data. There are multiple options to create this tool depending on the type of questions that you are planning to ask. A key element .is to understand the differences between Qualitative Market Research and Quantitative Market Research. It will help you to decide the type of questions to ask (open-ended and closed), how to ask them and how to analyse the data after.

Check our previous blog: Market Research Qualitative Vs Quantitative

Market Research Qualitative Vs Quantitative


3. Ensuring Data Protection when you measure customer satisfaction

Data protection is paramount in Market Research. You should guarantee respondents that their feedback will be treated with strict confidentiality and it will not be shared with third parties. Now, with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you also have to ensure that consent to contact respondents have been actively granted before you get in touch. Your database should be bullet-proof and allow users to opt-out of any further promotional / research contact.


4. Reaching your customers: In-house or Outsource?

You have designed your data collection tool (an interview script, a survey…), you have your customers’ database ready and GDPR compliant. Now you need to decide the best approach to contact your customers according to your objectives, resources and budget. There are different channels that you can use including phone and e-mail. The selection of one or other is determined by your project constraints. For example, you will think about outsourcing the project to a market research agency if you are limited in personnel.  At Arema Connect we offer the ability to perform market research projects from our in-house contact centre.

Check our previous blog: Channels used to collect information according to the market research type

Type of Market Research: Channels used to collect information

5. Analysing customer satisfaction feedback

When the data is collected, the next step is to analyse and summarise the customers’ feedback. If you have chosen to outsource the campaign, the market research agency will provide you with a detailed report with graphics and charts. On the other hand, if you are doing the analysis yourself be prepared. Depending on the questions asked (open-ended or close-endend) and the type of question (qualitative or quantitative) you will perform statistical analysis or content analysis. Quantitative analysis is by default quicker to perform; however, you need to take into account the impact of outliers and missing information. Qualitative analysis provides you with a better understanding of clients’ feedback but it is more time-consuming. The design of the questions will hugely impact on the analysis of the customer satisfaction feedback.


6. Responding and addressing to customer comments

Lastly, the actions taken with the feedback collected play a vital role in the perception of your customers. Nothing is worst than companies no taking on board customer comments and acting on them. The report created should play a vital role in management reviews and future business plans.


Arema Connect and Market Research

Our team has full capabilities to implement market research projects and provide timely reports to our clients. We also collaborate with multiple market research agencies and provide them with contact centre capabilities to collect feedback. If you are a potential client or a market research agency looking for a partner, contact us!