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Typically firms are the most defenceless in times of Crises. In fact, it can be detrimental to the operation of a business, resulting in closure following a public disaster. Businesses need to be practically prepared for any crises that may arise, whether mismanaged acts or unforeseen circumstances, which can be handled through a Contact Centre PR approach.

A serious situation impacts small organisations differently from their larger peers. There is always a course of action to be taken though.

Your Business needs to be aware of its vulnerabilities and weak points, here you should have a plan of action in place outlining a program to effectively deal with a crisis situation should it happen.

The technological advancement of social media, coupled with the increased momentum across the many platforms; Facebook, Twitter are how a crisis advances into a more complex state. No business or organization should keep the cover in an urgent situation, whereas in doing so you have the likely effect of causing irreversible damage to clients and your customer-facing relationships, including the many stakeholders. Not only that, but the issue caused has the detrimental effect on the overall reputation and impacts your bottom line revenue.

Advantages of acquiring Contact Centre Services during challenging times is the first step in limiting damaging situations from escalating further. A dedicated team can be of the backing sought by your organization in controlling the challenging circumstance. We can deliver on assisting you in several areas.

Contact Centre Assistance

  • 24 / 7 Contact with Customers and Clients
  • Multichannel Solution Distributing Reactive and Media Statements
  • Contacting Clients and Stakeholders of Interest and of Priority
  • Monitoring and Responding to Social Media
  • Management of Dedicated media Lines Such as Telephone answering and Email supports
  • In the Event of Closure or adverse effects, we can contact your employees
  • We align our services with your strategies
  • Dedicated experience in assisting clients with developing a strategic plan, in the event of a salutation arising.

Arema Connect can assist in developing key areas that need precedence, for example, we assisted previously in areas where dedicated teams deliver on areas such as;

  1. Apologizing

Those who are impacted upon greatly appreciate a response and recognition, of course – within reason.

  1. Address Issues Occurring

Urgently apply a counteraction to issues causing the problem, if feasible do it swiftly. If you are unable to address the issue, ensure coherent communication is fundamental at all times, and allow for open channels through in/outbound call management, for example.

  1. Follow Up

Be reactive, Send them a response on social media or schedule a follow-up call this proactive step further delivers on attaining relationships. This is a fantastic PR method, let you showcase that you are well aware and acknowledge your audiences and Customers.

‘‘You can keep some of the people happy all of the time, or all of the people happy some of the time’’

Contact us at and we will discuss you’re requirements directly with you, in confidence.

Case Study: Disaster recovery