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Contact Centre fundraising is becoming more popular. Many organisations are starting to give back to society and raise funds for many worthy causes. Recently, we came across the Kiss Good to MS Campaign and we wanted to get involved.

What is MS?

Multiple Sclerosis is a disease that effects the central nervous system including the brain, eyes and spinal cord. It is an extremely unpredictable disease, some suffers may loose their sight or even use of their legs. In Ireland, there are over 9000 people living with MS, that’s 1 in 500 people. Worldwide there is over 2.3 million living with this life changing disease. Children as young as the age of 6 can be diagnosed with this aggressive condition. With all this in mind, it is much worthy of support.


Kiss Goodbye to MS

Kiss Goodbye to MS is a fundraising initiative launched by MS Ireland. The campaign objective is to raise vital funds for MS research worldwide. In 2016, blogger and model Rosanna Davison launched the campaign. A target of €100,000 has been set by the charity to achieve. Around Ireland, there has been many fundraisers to date including: a Fire Walk Dublin, Sky Dives and Wear Red Days. The campaign has already raised over €10,000.

Call Centre Fundraising -Kiss Good Bye too MS

Wear Red Day

As a part of our PSYCHED Initiative, we have decided to hold a Wear Red Day at Arema Connect on Friday 22nd of June. This could not come at a better time as Cork are due to play in the Munster Final the day after. Rebels Abu!  Everyone has been encouraged to wear something red, sport red lipstick or nails or shirt or tie and make a donation to our bucket. Additionally, we have also planned to hold a bake sale, whereby, all monies received will go to MS Ireland. Luckily enough we have some fantastic bakers in the office and everyone is already looking forward to the treats.


Our PSYCHED Initiative to date….

Our PSYCHED Initiative to date has been hugely successful. The PSYCHED initiative is all about promoting well-being in the workplace. In April,  Arema Connect received a certificate of recognition under the initiative. In the past year, we have raised funds for Alzheimer’s Ireland and donated Christmas Trees to the Simon Community. We look forward to hosting our Wear Red Day and raising vital funds for another fantastic charity, while continuing our PSYCHED initiative.


HUGE Thank you to MS Ireland

We would like to say a HUGE thank you to MS Ireland. From the get go the charity have been more than helpful. Both Paul and Catriona from MS Ireland have kept in close contact with us, to help ensure our fundraiser will be a success. Shortly after we decided to hold the Wear Red Day, we got sent a fantastic fundraising pack, making it all the more easier to promote the event internally. At Arema Connect, we look forward to being a part of the MS Squad.

The MS Squad is a global movement encouraging strength, empowerment and solidarity


If you would like to make a donation please contact us at Your support would be greatly appreciated and you too can become part of the MS Squad. Keep an eye out for updates and pictures of our Wear Red Day.