Instantaneous Customer Service
Live chat plays an important role in offering a 360-degree customer care service. It is very easy to install on your website and is user-friendly. Statistical data indicates that 44% of customers stated that having a live chat specialist available during an online purchase was one of the most important features a company can offer. Also, a further 63% of customers said they were more likely to return to a website that offers live chat as opposed to one that doesn’t. Here are 5 ways Live Chat can improve your website.
1. It’s Quick
Customers get answers within seconds and this, in turn, increases customer satisfaction and retention.
2. Increase Sales
Dramatically cut down on shopping cart abandonment at specific drop off points.
3. Increase your Conversion Rate
The longer customers spend on your website increases the possibility that they will make a purchase. Engaging with your customer’s makes them feel valued and increases the possibility for repeat business.
4. Rise Above the Competition
By utilising live chat a company can boost customer morale which in turn increases repeat customers.
5. Reduce Cost
A customer service agent can handle multiple chats at once and it reduces the number of calls you receive.