4 Tips for Delivering Top Class Email Customer Service in a Call Centre
We at Arema Connect have experience in handling email customer support for a wide range of companies, some of which include IT support, product quality, retail and tourism. Our knowledge in this area of customer service has taught us that every email counts and they are becoming increasingly more popular. This is why 94% of all online retailers provide email customer service.
The driving force behind the popularity of email support is obviously technology. With the advancement in technology in smartphones, tablets etc. customers are far more willing to contact a company electronically. Consumers are on the go, they are in meetings, they are online and opting for customer support through email is convenient for them. Here are some tips that can improve your email customer service:
First of all, it is always a good idea to use the customer’s name, “Dear Customer” is too cold and distant. It depends on the types of emails you handle but certainly, in the Retail sector it is good to introduce yourself:
Hello Tom,
James here, I handle shipping queries. Thanks for contacting us about your order. I can tell you that your shipping number is…..
Organize ….
Labelling is a very handy tool when it comes to keeping track of emails. For example one of our clients is an FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) company, each time an email comes in the agent labels it first with their name and the type of query it is, these include “Sales/Store Complaint, Product Quality, Trading, Job Query and more”
It aids database management, reporting and also saves a lot of time later on.
The Auto Reply
It is an easy thing to forget but an automatic reply reassures customers just by letting them know that their email was received.
“Thank you for your email, we acknowledge receipt of your communication.”
You may have answered their question but you can be proactive and send the link to an FAQ page also. This reduces back and forth emails containing answers that can be found on your website. For example, if a customer asks about shipping costs I would be pretty sure that the next question may relate to shipping times.
Hi Tom,
James here, I handle shipping queries. Thanks for contacting us. I’m happy to say that shipping is free! Also if you want to know more about shipping times and more you can visit our shipping page, here is the link www.xyzretailcompany/shipping
Hope this helps!