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Fast Action Response Times

The automotive sector is where quick decisions are made on a daily basis. As a tire supplier, break down assistance specialist, haulage company etc. you must immediately solve customer issues to rise above the competition.

According to there are currently 2,515,322 cars on our roads.

  • 1,943,868 private cars
  • 317,378 goods vehicles
  • 85,042 agricultural tractors
  • 36,573 motorcycles

The sector shows no sign of slowing down as 124,507 passenger cars have been sold as of November this year.

Real-time Alerts

Whether it is SMS text response or CRM system alerts, you must have access to a team who can monitor these awaiting cases. One option is a call centre, and a dedicated team specialised to deal with these situations by having audio and visual alert systems available.

Over the Phone

Accepting a case is just the start; the second step is often contacting a contractor/mechanic to take the job. Due to the volumes of agents available at a call centre, this can be executed immediately for first class customer service.

One system we employ at the moment act involves email. The agent that accepts the case will go ahead and email a screen shot of the details to the tow truck.

These details include:

  • The issue: e.g. Wheel Bearing
  • Service Date and Time
  • Acceptance Date and Time
  • Approx Arrival Time
  • Beneficiary: e.g. Joe Bloggs
  • Telephone Number
  • Registration Number
  • Make and Model: e.g. Volkswagen Golf
  • Colour
  • Assistance Location

With ‘repair on-site’ jobs it is important that the customer is given a timescale for repair. For example, we take calls for a major tire supplier with a large number of fleets throughout the country. We contact the fitter first for an approximate time of arrival, and then we relay this to the customer. Roughly 20 minutes after the estimated fix time the customer is contacted back for feedback.


The automotive sector is a massive one and therefore the driver assistance one is too. With over two and a half million cars on our roads, it is inevitable that drivers will suffer cracked windscreens, punctured tires, malfunctioning gearboxes, engine troubles and much, much more. By utilising a dedicated team of agents who can accept, relay and conclude cases quickly you improve customer satisfaction and in turn sales.