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Tailored Customer Service

Present day customer support has a lot more to it than the standard 24 by 7 telephone answering service and office hours telephone answering service. At the moment there are a wide variety of options available to companies as well as live chat and email support channels. As a contact centre it is our job to make small, medium and large companies aware of these bespoke packages.

Each sector brings a new challenge to our contact centre and the varying companies in each sector bring with them a customer base that requires different service. For example, property management companies usually require an afterhours service for emergencies. These calls can come in any time between 5pm and 9am typically. In our experience however we have been able to tailor these services to further include lunchtime cover so our clients are covered during these times also.

It is up to the client what hours and channels they need but sometimes these needs can evolve over time. For example a client may want to expand their business presence online thus requiring a dedicated Live Chat service. This tends to happen a lot with finance companies and retail companies. Businesses that already have a strong presence online can get to a point where the amount of email tickets being generated are putting serious pressure on their in-house team; it is at this point that outsourcing to a contact centre makes most sense for sales and customer satisfaction.

The Choices Available to Companies


The above packages can also be broken down into technical support, emergency lines, product recall lines, event support, sales lines and much more.

To conclude, when it comes to customer support there are many options available to businesses and it is about picking a package that most suits your company’s needs. These needs are dictated by your sector, your customers and your in-house team.