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U.S. ownership rates for tablet computers increased in the third quarter of 2012, according to the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), and consumer satisfaction with these products remains consistently high. CEA’s Consumer Outlook on Tablets: Q4 2012 shows that tablet ownership rates among online U.S. consumers reached 31 per cent as of September 2012, more than doubling the ownership rate from October 2011 (14 per cent)
Ireland. Projections at the beginning of 2012 stated that by the end of 2012, 71% of the Irish population expect to own a smartphone, while 41% expect to own a tablet.

Portable technology is allowing your business the opportunity to communicate your message to a worldwide audience all year round, 24 by 7. Tablets are more portable than laptops and their Internet connectivity is instantaneous and addictive.

How can businesses benefit from these devices?

1. 24 by 7 On-Line Access (anytime anywhere)

Research has shown that people are going online for work and pleasure on a 24-hour basis. With the advent of online sales opportunities, your website should be tablet and smartphone compatible.

Tablets are extremely portable with long battery life and their screen size makes things easier for users. Businesses should benefit from this technology and adapt their websites. Easy navigation functionality enhances the user experience.

 2. Customer service is accessible anytime and anywhere for clients and potential clients.

The advent of social media through the Tablets allows better access to customer services and users expect to be able to click on a button and get the answers they want instantly.

If a live chat function is not available on your website, they will quickly browse the internet for a similar deal and you have lost an opportunity.

Businesses should be online in order to answer any questions your clients may have.

I still remember last June when I was trying to find my hotel in Paris and the hotel website had a live chat option. To get directions from them online was easier than trying to check out Google maps on my tablet!

 3. New advertisement possibilities.

A survey of 1,000 tablet owners in the UK has revealed that 55 per cent think advertising on tablets can do things other media can’t. The research released by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), shows that almost two-thirds of respondents would prefer tablet applications to have lower upfront costs with more ads, than higher upfront costs with fewer ads.  So, a business should explore their opportunities and increase their sales through this new platform.

Tablets increase profits and customer satisfaction once businesses are aware of the client’s needs.

Why? People connect to be entertained, find information and solve problems. Businesses offering live chat options on their websites can enhance their image and reassure people they are dealing with a professional organisation.

Contact us if you want more information on how live chat interactions can benefit your business.

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